
Water Effect Ratio Study

Our team supported the consulting firm contracted by the pulp and paper mill to determine if metal limits presented in the draft wastewater discharge permit were scientifically sound. The biggest concerns that needed to be addressed were the low limits for copper, cadmium, zinc, and lead, which would have been challenging for the discharger to meet.

In 2020 the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted a State Policy for Water Quality Control: Toxicity Provisions (Provisions). Subsequently, the SWRCB sought approval of the Provisions from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). On May 1, 2023, EPA Region IX officially approved the Provisions for use as a regulatory tool under the Clean Water Act (CWA)

After many years of drafts, comments, discussion, debate, consideration, and negotiation, the California Statewide Toxicity Provisions are expected to be considered for approval by the State Water Resources Control (State Board) on December 1, 2020.

Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) testing is a critical component of monitoring the health of aquatic ecosystems and it is included in many National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits. If your NPDES permit includes WET testing, it is important to understand why it exists and how to best implement it in order to save time, money, and other resources.

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